Thursday, April 22, 2010

The last 5 things I have bought...

I'm 100% sure that you couldn't care less about what the last 5 things I bought were but here they are...not including fast food purchases which seriously make up 90% of my purchases. (In case you're wondering, my most recent purchases were: Chick-fil-A, Elephant Bar, Chick-fil-A, Pick Up Stix, Angels Stadium, Henrys, Chick-fil-A) $10.49
I'm finally getting serious about getting some of the work I have slaved over the past few year online. Buying the domain was the first of many steps in getting my work online. There's nothing up at this point so don't waste your time going there yet. I'll keep you posted.

Haircut: $30.00
I got 75% of my hair cut off tonight. Courtney (at Salon One on Lake Mission Viejo...she's great) gave me a trim tonight. With summer around the corner, it was time for the shag to go. I tossed around the idea of buzzing it all off, but I don't want Courtney to go without my $30 a month so I decided to keep a little on the top.

Cooking Tongs and mixing bowls: $24.73

Allie, my personal cooking coach, and I went to World Market because I needed kitchen stuff badly. She was tired of having to flip pork chops with those crappy little spatula spoon things. They really suck and they melt, which REALLY sucks. Who wants melted rubber in their pork chops? So a good pair of OXO tongs were in order as well as a nice set of white mixing bowls, which will nicely double as a bowl to catch the leaking water under my bathroom sink if need be. (Don't tell Allie though)

Flight to Napa Valley: $21.40

Here's the deal. When I flew back to California from Texas at Christmas I took a later flight and got a flight voucher. That's why this trip only cost be 20 bucks. Several friends and I are flying to Napa for a few days next month to get away and relax. Allie, the aforementioned personal cooking coach, has grandparents who own a a vineyard in Napa so that is where we are headed for a weekend of relaxation. I haven't been north of Bakersfield, which is a hole, so I'm stoked.

Hoodie: $36.81

I'm not a fan of shopping for clothes, but I when I do buy clothes it's usually some kind of jacket. Ask my mom. She refuses to buy me anything that resembles a jacket or hoodie or anything like that. That's all I seem to buy. Well, this is an oxford shirt with a hood. It's the perfect blend of preppy Southern boy and lazy Laguna Beach Saturdays. I think I'll wear it come summer. We'll see. You might see it on e-Bay.

1 comment:

Allie said...

Cost Plus (World Market) has the most incredible employee. What an amazing and horrible experience all at once! Not only was she WAY too friendly at first (please stop talking, lady) but she totally chewed us out for her store's poor stacking of those giant cushions! I'm scared to go back now.